freedombox (25.2) unstable; urgency=medium . [ Dietmar ] * Translated using Weblate (German) . [ Burak Yavuz ] * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) . [ 大王叫我来巡山 ] * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified Han script)) . [ Jiří Podhorecký ] * Translated using Weblate (Czech) . [ 109247019824 ] * Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) * Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) . [ Besnik Bleta ] * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) . [ Sunil Mohan Adapa ] * action_utils: Implement methods to get/set the systemd boot target * gnome: Add app to provide a graphical desktop environment * gnome: Add changes missing from branch merge * ui: Fix missing arrow on dropdown form fields * nextcloud: tests: functional: Set override domain testing on VM * nextcloud: tests: functional: Fix test for modified structure of UI * ui: Drop the temporary fix for missing popper.js 2.0 * firewall, networks, storage: Drop polkit pkla files * d/control: Fix incorrect comment format * d/copyright: Fix copyright entry for GNOME app icons * ui: Fix tag separator not showing on some machines * email: Recommend Thunderbird Mobile instead of K-9 Mail * miniflux: Add management of postgresql daemon in a shared manner * ttrss: Add management of postgresql daemon in a shared manner * wordpress: Order daemon enable/disable correctly * db: Add more utilities for managing PostgreSQL databases * ttrss: Fix issue with installing after uninstalling * nextcloud: Drop some dead code * apache: Enable expires module by default . [ Benedek Nagy ] * email: Make rspamd learn spam/ham when the user marks mails as junk or not junk * sogo: Add a new app for SOGo groupware . [ pesder ] * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional Han script)) . [ ikmaak ] * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) . [ James Valleroy ] * locale: Update translation strings * doc: Fetch latest manual r-cran-igraph (2.1.4-1) unstable; urgency=medium . * Team upload. * New upstream version schleuder-gitlab-ticketing (1.0.0-5) unstable; urgency=medium . * Team upload. * Depend on schleuder >= 5.0.0-2. REMOVED: ruby-devise-lastseenable 0.0.6-1.1 REMOVED: ruby-devise 4.9.3-1 REMOVED: ruby-omniauth-twitter 1.4.0-1 REMOVED: ruby-grape-logging 1.8.4-1 REMOVED: ruby-warden 1.2.8-1 REMOVED: uwsgi-plugin-ruby 0.0.2 REMOVED: ruby-grack 2.0.2-3 REMOVED: ruby-voight-kampff 2.0.0-1 REMOVED: ruby-active-model-serializers 0.10.14-1 REMOVED: ruby-devise-token-authenticatable 0.5.2-1.1 REMOVED: ruby-grape-path-helpers 2.0.1-2 REMOVED: ruby-grape 2.0.0-3 REMOVED: ruby-rack-flash3 1.0.5-2.1 REMOVED: ruby-sham-rack 1.4.1-3 REMOVED: camping 2.3-2